This 2020 wasn’t the easiest year for humanity, but, ironically, it was very good for the Fintech industry and the cryptocurrency world. That’s because in these times of need people have encountered a safe haven in technology.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have worked as effective methods of investments, store of value, remittances, and financial inclusion. At least, they represented a light amid the darkness, and a bright future is going ahead for them.  

Given these good results and other trends, we already have some fears, hopes, and forecasts for 2021. But something is sure: more crypto is coming!

  • Facebook will (probably) launch its own digital currency, now renamed Diem instead of Libra. Apparently, it’ll be a stablecoin backed on USD, and it’s pending regulatory approval [Diem].
  • Stablecoins can grow even more. Its total market capitalization increase this year surpassed 400% and, with DeFi on the table, the increase is promising to go further. Tether, USD Coin, and DAI lead the market [CoinGecko].
  • From $60k to even $1M per unit, some experts are seeing a very bullish future for Bitcoin (BTC). They include the German Bayerische Landesbank ($60k+), Anthony Pompliano ($100k+), Jeremy Liew and Peter Smith ($500K+), and Wences Casares ($1M+).
  • Some new Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) will probably come in 2021. China and the Bahamas are already using theirs, while the European Union is looking for the introduction of a digital euro. Other countries, like France, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, Canada, and Singapore are aiming to create their own CBDC [Jonas Gross].
  • New crypto-laws are coming. Rusko, Spojené království, Evropská unie a Spojené státy are preparing their own measures for cryptocurrencies. And all of them have to do something with taxes and limits for retail investors.
  • Speaking of crypto-laws, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission sued Ripple Labs for allegedly having carried out a “$1.3 Billion Unregistered Securities Offering”. Cena XRP ztratil 60% a některé výměny vyřazují to as a direct consequence, but this legal battle is barely starting. Sadly, the next year could even bring more crypto-companies being sued by SEC and several others abandoning the United States because of it.
  • Privacy coins like Monero (XMR) or Zcash (ZEC) could be banned in some countries since they’re considered a financial threat (i.e. used for money laundering or terrorism financing) by certain authorities.
  • Crypto is everywhere. We surpassed 101M cryptocurrency users in 2020, and there are more to come.
  • Since the prices are going up and the adoption is clearly growing, cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab considers that the Bitcoin thefts will increase by 2021.
  • Joe Biden’s victory for the United States presidency and the hopes for an effective vaccine might drive up stocks, oil, and Bitcoin, podle Reuters.
  • Na Alfacash, we’ll have a new Visa program, more discounts, benefits, and new features.

Now it’s time to leave the bad things behind and move on to a brighter future. Keep calm and trade cryptos, because they’re going up! And don’t forget to check our December and 2020 summary of the crypto-world this year.

From the Alfacash Team, we wish you a Happy New Year and a lot of good trades this 2021!

Chcete obchodovat BTC, ETH a další tokeny? Můžeš to udělat bezpečně na Alfacash! A nezapomeňte, že mluvíme o tomto a mnoha dalších věcech na našich sociálních médiích.

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Jsem literární profesionál v kryptosvětě od roku 2016. Nezní to příliš kompatibilní, ale od té doby se učím a učím o blockchainu a kryptoměnách pro mezinárodní portály. Po stovkách článků a různorodém obsahu na toto téma mě nyní můžete najít zde na Alfacash, pracuji na větší decentralizaci.
