A BNB bridge suffered a multimillion hack and the network was halted. Meanwhile, the Bitcoin price doubts, hit by the US economy.
Celebrities like Kim Kardashian have indirectly caused the loss of crypto investments. Fortunately, regulators are taking action on the matter.
The constant increase in inflation could put many people’s retirement at risk. However, there are actions to take at this time to guard the future.
Still a bear market, but we also had some good stories. Let’s discover the most important news in crypto during September 2022.
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de la possibilité de gagner de l'argent grâce aux crypto-monnaies ? Nous démystifions certains mythes à ce sujet, afin que vous puissiez garder votre investissement sûr et rentable.
This week is starting bullish for cryptos. Bitcoin is increasing, and several altcoins are performing very well. Some good news comes.
Crypto is now one of the best solutions for real estate investments. Let’s check how this works, and some active projects.
From smartphones and wallets to the offline world, let’s check some of the most interesting crypto gadgets around in 2022.