Last August was kind of crazy and bullish inside the kriptovalutaA digital currency running on a blockchain and built with cryptography. Contrary to central-bank issued currency, cryptocurrency issuance rules are... world. We have now the best summary for you to check quickly!
Most légy éber! Egyes csalók NFT-ket és további kripto-alapokat lopnak a nem tudó OpenSea-felhasználóktól a Discordon keresztül.
Cardano, Solana, and Terra surpassed new price records. These three blokkláncBlockchain is a type of database storing an immutable set of data, verifiable to anyone with access to it —through... networks are popularly known as “Ethereum killers”.
Walmart just posted a new vacancy for a kriptovalutaA digital currency running on a blockchain and built with cryptography. Contrary to central-bank issued currency, cryptocurrency issuance rules are... expert. This could mean a lot for crypto, so, BitcoinBitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It was created in 2009, by an anonymous founder or group of founders... More is going up.
Egy véletlen hacker a történelem legnagyobb DeFi -hackjét vonta le a Poly Network platformra. Aztán valami nagyon furcsa dolog történt.
Egy új európai törvény betilthatja az anonim kripto-pénztárcákat és a kapcsolódó tranzakciókat. A kemény kritika azonban már úton van.