This country has been an epicenter for the cryptocurrency world, probably, since the beginning. However, after the full crypto ban by China in 2021, that increased even more. And that’s maybe why the United States’ lawmakers and authorities 2월부터 2022년에 더 엄격한 암호화 규제를 목표로 하고 있습니다.
최근 보고서에 따르면 Bloomberg, the White House itself is preparing an executive order about the topic. It’ll be an “initial government-wide strategy” to apply more specific regulations on the activities with cryptocurrencies. Apparently, the draft includes economic, regulatory, and national 보안 문제 cryptocurrencies에 의해 제기되었으며 앞으로 몇 달 안에 여러 기관의 보고서를 요청할 것입니다.

The U.S. Treasury and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would be looking for more power to control cryptocurrencies as well. As indicated in an investigation by Coin Center, the soon-to-pass bill “America COMPETES Act of 2022” will give more power to the Treasury 협의 없이 거래 및 금융회사 금지. At least, if there are “reasonable grounds” to link those operations and companies with 돈 세탁.
그런 의미에서 코인센터는 설명:
“For example, if the Secretary of the Treasury deems that either (a) the Netherlands, (b) a Dutch crypto exchange, (c) all cryptocurrency transactions validated by a miner outside of the US, or (d) all non-custodial wallets are “of primary money laundering concern,” then she can swiftly make it illegal for any US financial institution (regulated cryptocurrency exchanges included) from maintaining accounts for customers involving those “concerns.”
이 법안은 아직 의회를 통과해야 합니다. 그 부분에서 SEC는 더 많은 것을 사용하는 척합니다. 미묘한 전략: change the legal definition of “exchange”, in order to encompass on its rules “alternative trading methods”, such as Decentralized Finance (DeFi) 플랫폼.
더 긍정적인 암호화 규정
Not everything is bad news. The SEC’s proposal still has 30 days to receive comments and amendments. Beyond this, there’s a proposal to make Bitcoin (BTC) 애리조나의 법정 입찰. It’s been promoted 애리조나주 상원의원 웬디 로저스의 말이다.
If Bitcoin passes 법정 입찰로 (like it already happened in El Salvador), it’d be obligatory to accept it almost everywhere, from merchants to taxes. However, the current U.S. Constitution doesn’t allow individual states to choose their own legal tender. The bill would need to be approved the Congress.

그 동안 애리조나는 여전히 암호 화폐 친화적 인 관할 구역입니다.. 국가는 심지어 일부 법적 조항 암호화 투자자와 광부를 보호하기 위해. 그들은 또한 그들의 자체 위원회 to oversee blockchain and cryptocurrencies since 2021 and have been creating 샌드박스 핀테크 기업을 위한 뿐만 아니라, 그들은 지원 several big bitcoin miners and companies, especially after the huge miners’ exodus from China 작년.
Steve Buissinne / Pixabay의 추천 이미지
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