Turkey just suffered some awful earthquakes, leaving thousands of victims behind. The crypto community is trying to help with donations.
Tendințele pieței
Comunitatea cripto se întoarce să ajute Turcia după cutremure masive
3 Minute de citire
Turkey just suffered some awful earthquakes, leaving thousands of victims behind. The crypto community is trying to help with donations.
Donating to other people isn’t always easy. But crypto donations are the solution that everyone was waiting for. Let’s discover it!
We can explore now some crypto projects created by and for women worldwide. Groups, NFTs, podcasts, fundraising and more are waiting!
Blockchain-ul și criptomonedele pot funcționa minunat și pentru cauze caritabile. Acest lucru vă poate aduce beneficii chiar în acest fel.
#GivingTuesday este acum #BitcoinTuesday cu The Giving Block și peste 120 de organizații non-profit pentru a dona în criptomonede. Nu ratați!