After the latest updates by the Fed and the IMF, Bitcoin regained $24k per token. Apparently, worldwide inflation is receding.
Tendințele pieței
Bitcoin a lovit din nou $24k pe măsură ce inflația globală scade
3 Minute de citire
After the latest updates by the Fed and the IMF, Bitcoin regained $24k per token. Apparently, worldwide inflation is receding.
Bitcoin reached $17K again. However, the entire crypto market is still in fear, and the future doesn’t seem very clear for now.
Many smart analysts and companies have already shared their own predictions about the Bitcoin price for 2023. Let’s check them out!
Bitcoin has been suspiciously stable lately. But some signs could point to the bullish side. What’s the chance of a new Bitcoin rally now?
ADA is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies. So, does that mean that Cardano is a good investment? Let’s find it out.
We can say that Bitcoin went from zero to hero, but in a bearish market, some people may need reasons to stay in the boat.
În ciuda începutului (bears) al anului, previziunile de preț pentru Bitcoin pentru 2022 și ulterior sunt optimiste. Să le verificăm.
Este momentul optimist pe piața cripto. Noiembrie a început cu noi maxime all-time pentru cel puțin șapte criptomonede, inclusiv Bitcoin.