Litecoin sa zvyčajne nazýva „striebro kryptomien“. Ale viete, prečo a odkiaľ pochádza z tohto majetku? Povieme vám to.
"Chlapci a dievčatá každého veku, nechceli by ste vidieť niečo zvláštne?" Potom sa príďte pozrieť na nejaké strašidelné kryptomeny a Halloweensky efekt.
Nobody knows who is Satoshi NakamotoThe inventor of Bitcoin, which might be one person or a group of people who released the original Bitcoin whitepaper..., the mysterious BitcoinBitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It was created in 2009, by an anonymous founder or group of founders... More creator… don’t they? Well, it might be some clues yet.
Doge is a very popular meme, and guess what? It has its own kryptomenaA digital currency running on a blockchain and built with cryptography. Contrary to central-bank issued currency, cryptocurrency issuance rules are... since 2013. This is a funny and bright story.
Nie všetko je v kryptosvete vážne. Existuje aj niekoľko vtipných, milých a zábavných beletristických kníh. Objavte ich!