Do you want to mine cryptocurrency but do not want to invest in expensive specialized equipment? So, we have good news for you: and it is that from your computer, you can mine cryptocurrencies and obtain an extra profit. Meet today the top 5 cryptos that you can mine with CPU.
What is CPU mining?
Before naming which cryptos to mine with CPU, it’s necessary to define this type of mining. CPU mining relies on the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of computers. Although not all cryptos are compatible with CPU mining, the CPU is responsible for generating mathematical calculations to obtain some specific coins.
As we saw earlier, brytning is a process that uses a computer’s power to solve a mathematical puzzle (complex algorithms) and validate a series of transactions to obtain a cryptocurrency reward.

Bitcoin was the first crypto to use CPUs for coin mining. Back then, only CPUs were enough to make a profit from mining.
But the number of active miners on the Bitcoin network forces the mining difficulty (i.e., how hard the puzzles are to solve) to adjust regularly, increasing if there are many miners or decreasing if not.
This is why it’s no longer profitable to mine Bitcoin with a CPU—Bitcoin’s popularity and price increase cause more and more miners in the network. Also, specialized mining equipment for this cryptocurrency is released periodically, so the previous equipment becomes obsolete and offers little or no profitability.
Differences between CPU, GPU, and ASIC mining
As we already established above, CPU mining uses computers’ Central Processing Units to obtain cryptos. But there are two other methods to mine cryptocurrencies: ASIC mining and GPU mining.
An ASIC is a computer with chips designed for a specific purpose. We can find ASICs in almost every industry, not just in the world of cryptocurrencies. But, in this area, an ASIC is a piece of equipment for mining a specific cryptocurrency. For example, ASICs primarily power current Bitcoin mining.
Actually, some cryptocurrencies have a mechanism that does not allow mining them with ASICs.
Since you already know what crypto mining with CPU is and its difference concerning other mining systems, you can already know our selection of the leading CPU coins.
Monero (XMR)
First on our list of cryptos to mine with CPU is Monero (XMR). It is in the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization [CoinMarketCap] and has been on the market since 2014.
It’s an open-source cryptocurrency, and anyone can use a wallet to send or receive it. Unlike Bitcoin (BTC), however, the Monero blockchain is private, so only the people involved can see its details (source, destination, and amount of funds).
For this reason, Monero is preferred by those who prioritize their privacy. But, it has also been in the crosshairs of the authorities, who are looking for mechanisms to regulate it, alleging that privacy coins favor money laundering and other criminal acts. However, this is not entirely true, and traditional money is still the preferred medium for criminals for these activities.
Mining Monero with CPU
Monero uses an algorithm called RandomX that prevents mining it through GPUs or ASICs. Thus, to become a Monero miner, you need to download the application on the official website. And, if you want to increase your earnings, join a mining pool.
Electroneum (ETN)
Electroneum is another of the cryptos that can be obtained through the CPU. It was founded in July 2017 and is ranked 393 in market capitalization [CMC] at the time of writing.
Electroneum migrated from the Monero blockchain. It started in the gaming and betting industry and now focuses on offering a network of instant smartphone payments.

It uses the CryptoNight mechanism. As a result, this cryptocurrency can be mined both by CPUs and smartphones. Unlike Monero, however, it is not resistant to ASIC and GPU mining, so CPU miners may see their profits reduced.
Bytecoin (BCN)
Next on the list is bytecoin, another privacy-focused cryptocurrency. It’s ranked 818 in market capitalization [CMC] and has been operating since 2012, and gave rise to the creation of Monero. It works with the CryptoNote mechanism and the Egalitarian Proof-of-Work consensus system. On the Bytecoin network, all computers have the same voting rights, and transactions on this network are free. In addition, it’s one of the cryptos that combines CPU and GPU mining, so it has a greater diversity of miners.
Dero (DERO)
Dero is another of the private cryptos mineable via CPU. It is ranked 326 in market capitalization [CMC]. Uses the CryptoNote and POW algorithm combined with Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) and has been on the market since 2017.
Also, it’s resistant to mining with ASICs, and its only mining method is via CPU. Finally, it tries to distribute the rewards fairly among its network of nodes.
Vertcoin (VTC)
Finally, we have Vertcoin, one of the CPU-mining cryptos founded in 2014. Since its foundation, it has been a popular choice among small miners. This cryptocurrency is ranked 393 in market capitalization [CMC]. The Lyra2RE mechanism allows it to be resistant to ASIC mining but also supports CPU and GPU mining.
These are some of the cryptocurrencies that you can mine with a CPU. They will help you if you want to generate extra income, but they will not allow you to become a millionaire.
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