  • 地址 -

    地址是区块链,相当于传统金融系统中的银行账号,或者电子邮件地址。您可以与应该能够向您汇款的任何人分享您的地址。每种加密货币都有不同类型的地址:例如,BTC 地址以 1、3 或 bc1 开头;但 Ethereum 地址以 0x 开头。

  • Bitcoin - Bitcoin是第一个去中心化的数字货币。它由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的一位匿名创始人或一组创始人于 2009 年创建。
  • 堵塞 - 加密货币交易的集合。每隔几分钟(或几秒钟,取决于区块链),一名矿工或验证者会验证一个区块的交易顺序。然后将该块添加到区块链中,该区块链保留所有块的历史记录。添加到区块链的每个新区块都会增加重写过去交易历史的难度。
  • 区块链 - 区块链是一种存储不可变数据集的数据库,任何有权访问它的人都可以通过互联网对其进行验证。 Bitcoin 区块链仅存储货币交易,而 Ethereum 等其他区块链也存储智能合约代码:共享规则使金融交易自动化。检查更多 这里.
  • 比特币 - Bitcoin 的缩写。
  • 企业对企业 (B2B) - 指两家公司交换商品或服务的过程。这在加密货币世界中非常普遍。检查更多 这里.
  • 中央银行数字货币(CBDC) - 它们是由中央银行发行和控制的加密货币。与加密货币非常相似,但它们由发行人集中并完全控制。检查更多 这里.
  • 冷库 - 无法从 Internet 访问的私钥。典型的冷存储是 U 盘、离线计算机或纸质钱包(见下文)。
  • 冷钱包 - 冷藏中的加密货币钱包(从互联网离线)。
  • 确认 - In Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, a transaction is confirmed (valid) when it’s included in a block. Each new block adds a new confirmation and increases the cost of reversal. Different merchants might require a different number of 确认. In Bitcoin, three confirmations are usually required.
  • 加密货币 -

    A digital currency running on a blockchain and built with cryptography. Contrary to central-bank issued currency, cryptocurrency issuance rules are public for everyone to verify and the prices depend on supply and demand. Check more 这里.

  • 密码学 -

    密码学是安全通信的数学基础,它只允许消息的发送者和预期接收者查看其内容。 Bitcoin 中的加密方法可以证明每笔交易以及整个交易历史。

  • 分权化 -


  • 分散式 -

    分布式系统由运行在不同联网计算机上的组件组成,这些计算机通过共享消息来通信和协调它们的动作。 Bitcoin是一个分布式系统。

  • 哈希 -

    A hash is a mathematical function that turns a set of data into a short string of random numbers and letters. Hashes in cryptocurrencies serve as unique identifier for transactions.

  • 热钱包 -

    连接到 Internet 的加密货币钱包。典型的移动或浏览器钱包是热钱包。

  • 分类帐 -

    分类账就像一个电子表格,记录哪些地址拥有多少比特币。 Bitcoin 区块链是一个分布式、去中心化的账本。它不应该与硬件钱包背后的公司“Ledger”混淆。

  • 矿工 -

    Miners secure some blockchain networks by ordering crypto transactions into blocks and verifying the blocks of other miners. For this work, miners get rewarded with transaction fees and newly issued coins, if the global supply is still on process. Anyone with a computer, Internet, and electricity can be a miner.

  • 矿池 -


  • 多重签名 -

    Also “multisig”. While normal crypto wallets need only one private key to make a transaction, multisig wallets need keys from multiple parties. It’s comparable to shared bank accounts. Other blockchains, like Ethereum, provide advanced multisig features, like setting different permissions per users and apps.

  • 节点 -


  • 开源 -

    开放供任何人修改、复制、共享或构建的软件。 Ethereum 和 Bitcoin 等区块链的代码是开源的,任何人都可以验证和改进它。

  • 纸钱包 -


  • Peer-to-Peer -

    A peer-to-peer (P2P) network or service works with interconnected nodes ("peers") that share resources with each other without the use of a centralized administrator. The Bitcoin network is peer-to-peer.

  • 私钥 -

    与算法一起用于加密和解密数据的加密密钥。加密货币私钥可让您访问钱包中的资金。钱包提供的用于在其他设备中恢复您的资金的常用助记词(12 个或更多随机词)是此私钥的“摘要”。检查更多 这里.

  • 权益证明 -

    Proof of Stake (PoS) was created as an alternative to Proof of Work (POW), supporting cheaper and faster transactions. It requires a certain number of coins from validators to be locked up, in order for the network to reach consensus. PoS is seen as a greener alternative than PoW, since it doesn’t need energy to work. Check more 这里.

  • 工作证明 -

    Proof of Work (PoW) lets one party proof the execution of an algorithm to another party. In the Bitcoin PoW system, miners proof the validity of the transaction in a block. This way, the PoW consensus algorithm solves the 'double-spending problem' making it impossible for one party to create new Bitcoin without the agreement of the other participants. The work, in this case, uses electricity to solve these complicated algorithms. Check more 这里.

  • 公钥 -

    A public key can be used by anyone to encrypt messages for a particular recipient. In cryptocurrencies, this key enables anyone to receive bitcoin.

  • 二维码 -


  • 中本聪 -

    Bitcoin的发明者,可能是2008年发布Bitcoin原始白皮书的一个人或一群人。查看更多 这里.

  • SHA-256 -

    The hash function used in the bitcoin mining process to verify transactions. Average users don’t need this knowledge to use cryptos.

  • 签名 -

    Signature in Bitcoin or other blockchain protocols are used to provide a proof about private key ownership without having to reveal the key.

  • 交易 -

    A cryptocurrency transaction is an entry on the blockchain ledger, noting sender, receiver and number of coins transacted.

  • 手续费 -

    为了奖励矿工或验证者进行交易排序和验证区块的工作,用户必须在每笔交易中支付一定的成本。该费用可能会随着时间的推移而变化,因为它是由交易需求定义的。但是,它通常很低,甚至低于 $1。无论交易金额。

  • 钱包 -

    A crypto wallet is a user-friendly software or hardware used to manage private keys. There are software wallets for desktop computers, mobile phones and browsers; and hardware wallets with different prices and features. They enable users to manage funds and interact with smart contract blockchains like Ethereum. Check more 这里.


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