Isn’t celebrated in every country, but it’s fun for everybody anyway. We’re talking about the (in)famous April Fools’, the first day of the month where all kinds of pranks are allowed. The people and companies inside the cryptocurrencyA digital currency running on a blockchain and built with cryptography. Contrary to central-bank issued currency, cryptocurrency issuance rules are... world also have a great sense of humor, so, they usually make crypto-pranks to catch some April Fools’.
The parody tokens are commonplace for the day, and they’re usually very inventive and funny. Let’s remember the best of them (and their illustrious authors).
World Trade Francs (WTF)
Did you know that before Tether, USD Coin, DAI, and so on, the Ethereum team launched their own stablecoin? That’s right, it was the World Trade Francs (WTF), in partnership with an “initial batch of 1,576 member nations”. If you’re thinking that there are less than 200 countries in the world, well, you have a point.

However, the promises offered by this stablecoin were really wonderful. We would have a perfect world with it:
“World Trade Francs will allow humanity to escape political oppression and achieve true individual self-sovereignty and global free trade (…) will be able to implement Perfect Monetary Policy that can allow the world to live together in harmony (…) By being decentralized, WTF will combine all benefits of capitalism and socialism with none of the downsides of either.”
Launched on April 1, 2018, its team includes Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum’s founder), Barack Obama (not really), and a handsome moose. Plus, Buterin’s bio seems reliable: “Twitter scamming veteran. Raised over 4,500 ETH from running a scam far more direct and honest than this one.”
Tumblcoin (TBC)

Sure you know the microblogging platform Tumblr, right? It has some nice artists, an unpopular NSFW ban, and its own cryptocurrency. The Tumblcoin (TBC) was launched at the same time as WTF and went beyond by stating that it’d be “the most stable cryptocurrency this world has ever seen” and “the unsinkable currency” (linkened to the Titanic).
According to the “Chief Coin Officer of Tumblr”:
“As more users like, re-blog, and create posts, more coins are mined for their portfolio. Because it’s so easy to keep creating new Tumblcoins, no one will ever be in short supply. We’ve also opened up the world’s first store that accepts TBC.”
A few hours later, the price of TBC crashed, went up again, crashed again, and the blockchainBlockchain is a type of database storing an immutable set of data, verifiable to anyone with access to it —through... suffered a fork, creating TBC Cash. Tumblcoin News’ senior financial advisor, Brick Whartley, just wanted to go home and become a screenwriter instead.
Jesuscoin (JC)
We’re sure you want eternal salvation and paradise. Well, this cryptocurrency can offer that to you and much more, because its purpose it’s to “decentralize” Jesus on the blockchain. On the Ethereum blockchain, to be more specific, since this is an actual ERC-20 token.
JC offers fast P2P transactions, spiritual guidance to grow your portfolio, saves you from hell, and “will become the de-facto currency of all good Christians. It will also become the currency of all bad Christians too”. See it for yourself.
Contrary to the other tokens in the list, this one wasn’t born on April 1, but on September 12, 2017. However, they added Vitalik Buterin to their team on April 1, 2018. Sadly, when he tried to run it, the daemon didn’t work. We believe it may be Judas’s fault since he’s also part of the team.
Toilet Paper Token (TPT)
Last year around these same dates, the people panicked because of the pandemic and there was a sudden toilet paper shortage in some countries. Then, CoinMarketCap decided to step in by creating the innovative Toilet Paper Token (TPT). They launched the TPT wipe paper on April 1, 2020, to tokenize the toilet paper and distribute it in a fairly way once and for all.
“TPT utilizes “smut contracts” to keep track of the total number of rolls that users (hereafter referred to as wipers) have purchased, and also maintains a record of how many rolls you are guaranteed. With TPT, users can purchase toilet paper online to avoid increased exposure to ‘Rona and take advantage of the Ply Count algorithm that calculates how much toilet paper each household is entitled to receive.”
So, TPT had a price of $1.64 per coin, a market capitalization of over $85m, a total supply of eight billion and it went up by over 1,123% in 24h. We find kinda suspicious its chart, though.

TubbyCoin (with HugTechtm)
Maybe your(self) children or nephews/nieces used to enjoy the popular show Teletubbies at some point. Well, it turns out that Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po aren’t as childish as we thought, because they decided to launch their own cryptocurrency this year. In their own words, the TubbyCoin “employs cutting-edge cryptographology to convey the inherent value of Big Hugs! in the form of exchangeable TubbyCoin ‘BigHugs!’ Tokens”.

By using the new HugTech, they expect to spread “joy and delight across the world”. And donations. Wait, that part it’s true:
“As part of the initial offering of TubbyCoin, WildBrain will be making a base donation of $5,000 CAD to Kids Help Phone, and for every TubbyCoin shared or liked on social media, we’ll add one additional dollar to our donation, up to a total of $10,000 CAD. Be sure to use the hashtag #TubbyCoin. Kids Help Phone gives millions of youth a safe, trusted space to talk over phone or through text or in self-directed support in any moment of crisis or need.”
At least the Teletubbies (and WildBrain, their creators) have a good cause, right?
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